
Forever Green

Forever Green

In comparison to natural grass and other turf systems, Forever green has proven to be the best investment time and time again. Whether your main concern is long term savings, athlete safety, Field performance and durability, or environmental issues, Forever green has set the standard

Clear Thru

Clear Thru

We aim to use the best technologies available to guarantee a sustainable development, as well as monitoring all production processes with care and reliability we always invests in quality in all stages of the production process. We have 3 main quality objectives: • Realize true satisfaction of our customers. • Efficiently manage our main processes. • Continuous improve.

Heavy Equipment

Heavy Equipment

The first Egyptian loader conforming to international standards came to light, to be a benchmark for the Egyptian national industry, and participate in the national projects of Egypt. By utilising its military design experience IMUT Integrating proven technologies and highly reliable components into a rugged designed structure. This was optimised for hash environmental conditions ensuring high durability with a Long Life cycle

Natural Gas Conversion

Natural Gas Conversion

IMUT Engineering Corp. offers wide range of solutions regarding diesel to natural gas transformation we develop and sell diesel-to-natural gas engine conversion systems (DNG) , including new natural gas engines that utilize the company’s technology -- providing global customers with innovative alternative energy and emissions control solutions that are sustainable and affordable.